Warm Carrot Cake Breakfast Pudding

Posted by Lorna Macchia on

When the temperature drops I love mixing up my breakfast or brunch with a warm, nourishing option.  While porridge is a good go to, I also like to play around with varieties of  warm flax pudding as flax seeds are such a powerhouse of nutrients like omega-3 fatty acids, fibre and phytochemicals called lignans, and are really good for heart & gut health. I also sneak in some hemp seeds for a further boost of healthy fats and good quality protein. 

This version with the flavour of carrot cake is my current favourite, but stay tuned as I can feel a mocha pudding coming on….

Preparation Time: 5 mins | Cooking Time: 15 mins | Serves: 4 People


We use all organic or biodynamic ingredients

  • 1 cup golden flaxseed
  • 1/3 cup almond meal
  • 1 cup carrot, grated
  • ¼ cup hemp seeds
  • ¼ cup shredded coconut
  • 1 tbsp sundried sultanas
  • 1tsp cinnamon powder
  • 1 tsp fresh ginger or ginger powder
  • 1 tsp vanilla extract
  • 2 cups activated almond milk
  • Pinch of high quality salt
  • raw honey (according to taste)

    Coconut yoghurt, activated pecans (roughly chopped) & toasted coconut flakes to serve


  1. Add all ingredients except honey & pecans, to a heavy based saucepan and mix until well combined.
  2. Heat over medium heat until gently simmering, stirring frequently
  3. Continue to simmer and stir for 10 – 15 minutes, or until liquid has absorbed and you have a creamy porridge. (Add a little more almond milk or water during the cooking process if necessary).
  4. Add honey to desired sweetness and stir until mixed through.


  1. Place pudding in serving bowls while warm, top with a dollop of coconut yoghurt & sprinkle over coconut flakes and pecans.



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