Raw Banoffee Pie

Posted by Lorna Macchia on

I was looking for a nice way to use up some ripe bananas that also doubled up as a high energy, nutrient dense treat for two family members about to embark on a 100km charity run … and another breastfeeding her 6 week old bubba.  This delicious pie is rich in carbohydrate and healthy fats  and keeps well in the freezer (unless its devoured within 2 days of course!).

Preparation Time: 60 mins

Setting Time: 3-4 hours

Serves: 6-8 People

We use all organic or biodynamic ingredients.


  • ½ cup activated almonds
  • ½ cup activated cashews
  • 1/3 cup hemp seeds
  • 10 dates, seeds removed
  • 1/3 cup desiccated coconut
  • ½ tsp high quality salt
  • 1 tsp ground cinnamon
  • 1 tbsp cacao powder


  • 2 medium or 3 small ripe bananas, peeled
  • 1 cup cashews (soaked in boiling water for 1 hour)
  • 8 dates, seeded (soaked in boiling water for 1 hour)
  • 1 tbsp coconut oil
  • ½ cup coconut milk
  • 2 tsp vanilla extract or powder


  • ½ cup coconut cream or grass fed cream, whipped
  • 2 bananas, sliced lengthways or diagonally
  • 2 tsp coconut oil or grass fed butter
  • 1/3 cup activated pecans, chopped roughly
  • 50g dark, high quality chocolate, grated finely



  • Line a cake tin with parchment paper.
  • Place all base ingredients into food processor and blend until well combined
  • With wet hands, press dough into bottom and a little up the sides of the baking tin
  • Place in freezer while making the centre


  • Blend all ingredients together in food processor until smooth
  • Pour onto the base, cover with wax wrap and return to the freezer for at least 2 hours.


Top when ready to eat. 

  • Remove base from freezer and spread with whipped cream
  • Heat a heavy based pan and melt coconut oil or butter.
  • Add banana slices and heat for 10 minutes until soft
  • Remove from heat and allow to cool
  • Top cream layer with banana, pecans and grated chocolate.


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